
Clover FAQ

NPP's Education Station would like to take the time to answer some frequently asked questions about Clover.

clover National Payment Processing

Q: Does Clover have NFC capabilities?
A: Yes. The Clover Mini can accept NFC payments directly. The Clover Station can accept NFC via a tethered FD-40 pin pad.

Q: What platforms support Clover products?
A: Only two platforms, Nashville and Omaha.

Q: Can merchants auto-batch with Clover products?
A: Yes. If auto-batch is required, though, this affects on what platform the merchant will be boarded. Only Nashville currently supports auto-batch for the Clover product line. 

Q: What platform should the merchant be boarded on if they need to accept PIN debit?
A: Please contact your Sales Channel Manager for pricing information. 

Q: Is the $5.00 TransArmor Tokenization/Encryption fee required on Clover Pro and 2000 software?
A: Yes.

Q: What's SaaS?
A: Monthly Software as a Service (SaaS) is essentially the name for the fee applied to the merchant if they are using the PRO software. Please contact your Sales Channel Manager for SaaS pricing differences between the Clover Mini and Clover Station. 

Q: When is the Clover Mini required to have the Clover PRO Software?
A: A Mini is required to use PRO software if any other Clover devices at the location are running on PRO. For example, if a Clover Station (requires PRO) is used at the location, any additional Minis need to run PRO software as well. Keep in mind, a Clover Station comes with a free license for PRO software that can be applied to a Mini at the location. So if a Mini is ordered with a Station or added to an account with an existing Station, the additional Mini will come preloaded with Pro and will only one monthly SaaS will be charged. 

Q: Are there any add-on services that require the Mini to use the PRO software?
A: There are two common services to keep in mind. First, if a restaurant wants to have their menu uploaded to the device, PRO software is required. Second, inventory management is only available on PRO. 

Q: Am I required to list Monthly SaaS on the Clover Addendum? 
A: If the merchant is purchasing a Clover Station, the monthly service fee must be disclosed on the addendum. If the merchant is purchasing a Mini, and PRO is required, the monthly service fee does not need to be itemized on the addendum, as a fee disclosure will automatically appear on the device after initial boot up that requires the merchant to agree to terms before any processing can take place.